I deleted my Facebook Page

When I first started my Facebook page, Jarod Lee Notes, I had big dreams. I imagined a thriving community of followers who would eagerly wait for each post and who would like, comment, and share. I even changed the page name a few times—from *Jarod Lee* to *Jarod Lee Blog*, finally landing on Jarod Lee Notes. But after two years, it was clear something wasn’t working.

Here’s the truth: I didn’t create enough content. I posted randomly, without a clear focus, thinking that a few good posts would bring in followers. But social media doesn’t work like that.

The hardest lesson I learned? Growth requires consistency and focus.

I should have picked one type of content and stuck with it. My audience was confused because one day I’d post a quote and the next a random article. If people don’t know what to expect, they lose interest.

This experience taught me that social media success isn’t luck; it’s about building a connection and showing up regularly. I’m refocusing on my message, creating a plan, and staying consistent. My advice? Pick a direction, create content that matters, and don’t expect miracles overnight. Growth is slow — but with focus, it’s possible.


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