
Showing posts from July, 2021


养老,防老,还是你有什么妙计?你准备了吗? 我有剪报的习惯。如果你想看到更多关于财务,经济和健康的报章,请你关注我噢。谢谢!

Are there any plans for elders more than 60 years old in the future?

It is a journey from young till old and we die. But before we reach the final destination, there is another pretty long year (about 20 years) to live. We classified this category as post-retiree or we called them elderly or golden age. We label this group of people, but, do we have any plan in place for this group of people? A long time ago, when human life expectancy is short due to the health care system, wars and other social economy factor, we have the least concern for people who pass like 50 years old and above. The majority of them will have passed away due to illnesses or war. As we become more advance, people do live longer and when that happens (happening), what is their role in society? I like this infographic from Statistic Department  that separate 6 generations of the population in Malaysia. Mathematically, there will be around 5 million people will be age 60 and above after year 5 years later. These are the group if I would say, holding the most financial assets comp...


【剪报来自星洲日报】 我国人口老化的现象会来的太早吗?说好的Wawasan 2020高收入国家都泡汤了,就如“钱没了,人老了”接下来的那句“老婆跑了”,是否代表人才外流泛滥呢?


【剪报来源 星洲日报 】 我相信没有人想贫穷。但是也不是说一定要钱多到花不完那种。只是,但一不小心陷入贫穷恶性循环,真的好像没有什么办法逃得掉。没有财力保持健康的生活,什么奇难杂症都会出现。 以前,我会怀疑”有钱能治白病“这句话。现在,我向现实低头了。有钱,能买跑步鞋运动保持健康,能买organic食物,能提升自己实力寻找更好的就业机会,还有很多。。。都是需要有一点点的钱。 改变吧。。。只有改变自己的思维才有机会改变未来。 谢谢你。我是Jarod,如果你喜欢我的blog,请记得subscribe和follow我的 Facebook Page 。

The most value for money medical insurance in Malaysia

In this post, I am not talking about the best product nor the cheapest product. The best product is the product that works when you need to use it. The reason (for those who can afford it) will pay a higher premium price for certain goods and services because the consumer wants to ensure the product will work! In this post, I will point out that at this moment, based on surface-level research, this is my comparison and my findings. If you have a different opinion, please leave your comment and we can discuss it. Refer to my previous post , I listed almost 32 medical insurance that you can purchase in Malaysia. Then I perform my personal selection based on my current needs and present to you 9 companies with 9 products. Please remember there are much more benefits and features to be compared in each product, for example, some products do provide outpatient kidney dialysis with a limited amount but some products do not have a limit for this benefit. The comparison is ONLY focused on Annu...